You have decided your business needs a social media presence – what now?

You want to connect more with your target audiences and someone has mentioned social media is the way to go. But how do you set up your social media accounts and deliver relevant social media content consistently.
Each social media platform has pretty straight forward instructions on how to set up business pages. You can either do it yourself or ask an expert for some help. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to set up each.
You may need to get some help from a designer to make sure all of the banners and icons are the correct size for each channel. Here is a summary of image sizes required for each channel.
So you have now set all of your accounts it is time to create a social media calendar for the next 6-12 months to ensure messages are being posted and they are relevant to your business.
If you plan your social media content this means that your marketing efforts will stay on-message, making it more likely that you will reach your business goals.
Read our next article: 7 Steps to Creating a Social Media Content Plan.